KNOW YOUR TEMPERAMENT QUIZ The following quiz will help you to get to know your temperament so that you can understand your body and health needs, and which foods you should include most of. This short quiz will help you find out if you are predominately aBlood temperament (hot and moist), Phlegmatic temperament (cold and moist), Yellow Bile temperament (hot and dry) or Black Bile temperament(cold and dry). Once you complete the 12 questions, you will receive a nutrition check-list especially suited to your temperament that will help you achieve a healthy body and mind. Take the quiz below to learn your temperament. Name Email Phone Number FACE SHAPE. Select the option below which best describes the shape of your face: Oval Round, full cheeks Broad jaw, sharp nose, high cheekbones More like a rectangular, cheekbones None BODY FRAME. Select the option below which best describes your body’s frame: Mainly Muscular & Broad, however you may have put on weight specially around hips & thighs Moderate to Heavy, often overweight, specially in lower body. Muscular & Thin, weight gain usually in chest, arms, belly, upper body. Thin and lean, but you may have gained weight around 40, around midriff None SKIN TEXTURE. Which option below best describes your skin’s texture? Moderate in softness and moistness, warm, rosy Cool, moist, soft, delicate Warm, dry Dry, rough, cold, dull yellow or darkish None EYES. Which option below describes your eyes best? Moderate to large in size Moderate to large in size, watery Small to moderate in size, yellowish tint Small in size None TONGUE. Select the option below which best describes your body’s frame: Reddish Tends to be Whitish Tends to be dry, yellow, rough White/darkish coat None Hair Colour & Texture HAIR COLOUR & TEXTURE. Select the option below which best describes your hair: Thick, Rapid Growth, wavy Light coloured & Thin, absent chest hair Blond or reddish hair More hairy, thick and straight, darker colour None CLIMATE. Which season and climate do you prefer? Prefer cold, dry conditions, winter, autumn Prefer hot, dry conditions, summer, spring Prefer cold, moist conditions, winter, rainy weather Prefer hot, moist conditions, summer, rainy weather None SLEEP. Select the option below which best describes your sleep pattern: 6-8 hours 8+ hours, Tendency to oversleep 5-6 hours, restless, tend to wake up early, insomnia Interrupted, irregular, insomniac None TASTE. What taste do you notice in your mouth when you first wake up in the morning? Sweet, excessive saliva Excessive viscous saliva, sweetish, or salty Bitter, dry salty Acrid, metallic, Sense of burning at mouth of stomach None APPETITE. Select the option below which best describes your appetite: Healthy Moderate, can skip meals Sharp appetite, cannot delay meals Irregular and variable None DREAMS. Select the option below which best describes your dreams: See red things such as blood, etc See waters, rivers, snow, rain, white See fires, yellow flags, objects not yellow that appear yellow, hot sun, etc Worrying, sad, frightful. darkness, terrifying black things None PERSONALITY. Which option best describes your overall personality? Persuasive, sociable, cheerful Calm, accommodating Resourceful, outspoken Thoughtful, logical, analytical None Time's up